Meet the creators of the Whole Earth Catalog and the community they inspired. We invite you to watch Whole Earth Flashbacks, our video history of the Whole Earth culture, which covers 50 years of collective innovation in just a half-hour.
Our video retrospective takes you on a dazzling journey through time, from the first Whole Earth Catalogs to the Co-Evolution Quarterly, the Whole Earth Review, the Hackers Conference, the Well, Wired, Burning Man and the 10,000 Year Clock.
Whole Earth Flashbacks features insights from thought leaders like Stewart Brand, J. Baldwin, Lloyd Kahn, Ted Nelson, Doug Adams, Howard Rheingold, Wavy Gravy, Kevin Kelly, Larry Harvey and Danny Hillis, to name but a few. They empowered people to change the world, by giving them access to tools and ideas.
Watch the full half-hour video, right here:
This final release version is also available here on YouTube (35 minutes).
If you’re short on time, watch the quick preview for this video (17 minutes).
If you like Whole Earth Flashbacks, please share it widely in your community. It’s a great way to spread the word about this amazing culture and what we all accomplished in just a few decades.
Thousands of people have watched the video already, and their responses have been really positive, with hundreds of likes, shares, retweets and comments.
It’s also been covered here by some of our friends in the press:
• San Francisco Chronicle, by Leah Garchek
• KPFA, by Victor Bedoian
• Wired, by Bruce Sterling
• The New Yorker, by Anna Wiener
Here are a few other links you might enjoy:
• Whole Earth Lightning Talks (featuring alumni like Larry Brilliant, Carolyn Garcia, Wavy Gravy and more, recorded by my friend Gary Yost)
• Whole Earth Event Livestream (featuring public evening talks with Stewart Brand, Kevin Kelly and more, starting at 16:45, after our preview)
• Whole Earth Photos (with 450+ historical photos from our community)
• Whole Earth Event Photos (with 500+ mug shots of alumni at the event)
• Whole Earth Collection on the Internet Archive (hundreds of articles, sample issues, interviews and other gems, curated by Robert Horvitz)
You can learn more about our video retrospective on our planning page, which has all the production details you could ever want.
Whole Earth Flashbacks was created by Fabrice Florin, with a world-class production team: Ahmed Kabil, David Lawrence, James McKee, Robert Horvitz, Susan Ryan, Mark Petrakis, Matisse Enzer and Phyllis Florin, to name but a few.
Over 60 community members and friends graciously shared their images, videos, sounds and comments to make this retrospective possible. They are listed in the credits below. We’re very grateful to their generous contributions.
Our video premiered at the Whole Earth Catalog’s 50th Anniversary on October 13, 2018, at Fort Mason in San Francisco. Many thanks to Stewart Brand, Ryan Phelan, Danica Remy, the Point Foundation and all the amazing volunteers who organized this event and made this community creation possible! To support this worthy cause, consider making a donation to the nonprofit Point Foundation.
Whole Earth Flashbacks has the potential to become an open-source documentary, which we hope will keep evolving over time, so that it may inspire people to take action for the next 10,000 years! If you have important footage or information for this living document, or if you would like to help create another edition, please email us.
Thanks again to all the creative minds who made this production possible!
We are deeply grateful to all our 60+ gracious contributors for donating your content and your time to this community production. None of this could have happened without you!
Here is our credit roll for this project.
Producer/Director: Fabrice Florin
Executive Producers: Stewart Brand, Ryan Phelan
Video Editors: Fabrice Florin, Ahmed Kabil, David Lawrence
Sound / Music Consultant: Jim McKee, Earwax
Researchers: Robert Horvitz, Susan Ryan
Story Consultant: Mark Petrakis
Production Crew: Matisse Enzer, Phyllis Florin
Ecological Design: Christopher Zelov / Brian Danitz
Lama Commune / Saline Valley: Stewart Brand
Inside the Catalog: Lloyd Kahn
Demise Party: Ant Farm, Raindance, Media Access Center, Media Burn Archive
Hackers: Fabrice Florin
WELL Party: David Kennard, InCA Productions
Cyberthon: Cyberthon Doc Squad, KO Beckman, David Lawrence, Michael Naimark
Wired: Kevin Kelly, Louis Rossetto, Wired
About Long Now: Long Now Foundation
10,000 Year Clock: Jimmy Goldblum, Public Record
Revive & Restore: Ryan Phelan, Revive & Restore
Earth Footage: NASA, International Space Station
Chocolate Coffe Pot: David Gans
Logical One: Rama Kolesnikow, Cruelty Free Sound
Bell Studies: Brian Eno
Eternal Structures: Asher Fulero
Vision: Christopher Willits, Ghostly International
Stewart Brand, Matisse Enzer, Kevin Kelly, Ryan Phelan, Danica Remy, Howard Rheingold, David Wills contributed the most images.
Other photo contributors include: Jeanne Campbell, Hilarie Coate, John Coate, Vickisa Feinberg, James Fulton, Carolyn Garcia, Matt Herron, Art Kleiner, Isabella Kirkland, Tiffany Lee Brown, Kathleen O’Neill, Tom Parker, Alexander Rose, Don Ryan, Susan Ryan and many more!
Diana Connolly, Colleen Fiaschetti, Isabella Kirkland, Art Kleiner, John Markoff, Danica Remy, Alexander Rose, Peter Schwartz, Jason Sussberg, Andrew Warner
Copyright © 2018 Point Foundation and its licensors.
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
#wholeearth50 #wholeearth50th #wholeearth #wholeearthcatalog #coevolution #well #wired #burningman #longnow #stewartbrand #pointfoundation